Monday, March 18, 2013

YIKESSS! ACT Is Around The Corner!!!!!!!

It's already the middle of March, and the ACT is only a couple of weeks away. The ACT stands for Advanced College Test. It's a test that all high school Juniors have to take throughout the US. I'm a Junior myself, and just the thought of the ACT, makes me want to pull my hair out. Though the ACT is testing things we already know, it still makes me nervous because I'm thinking about all of the "what if's" of the test. A few words of advice I have for juniors like myself are:
- STUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Get lots of rest
- Eat a big healthy breakfast
-Take everything you are learning in school seriously
-Ask as many questions as you may have *remember there is NO dumb question*
-If not already, enroll in a ACT Prep course, any help is good.

Check out for more information. Good luck :)

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