Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Story of Jonylah Watkins Been Stripped of Her Innocence

                     On Tuesday, March 12, 2013 Jonylah Watkins,  at 6 mouths old, was pronounced dead after being fatally shot 5 times. Her farther Jonathan, 29 is still in criticial condiction, but no known updates haven been given as of Wednesday, March 13, 2103.  Do you think the shooting that involved Baby Jonylah  gang related? Gang retaliation source says; according to a reliable source no ones suspects that Jonathan Watkins has been actively involved in gang activities since 2007. Jonathon and Jonylah were gun down in his vehcile while Johnathon changed Baby Jonylah diaper on the 6500 block of Maryland. jonylah was shot in several places, including: her lung, liver, shoulder, bowel , and leg.  Jonylah’s aunt heard gun shot as she runs down the street and saw the window broken out.  Judy Watkins & Jonathan Watkins were the parents of Jonylah Watkins. According to the  sun-times news reporter Chicago Bulls lead player  Derrick Rose agreed to assist the Walkins family in the burial of Jonylah Walkins. 

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