Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bikini Season and Weight Loss Tips

Always work out and don't stress!! Stress is one of the biggest contributing factors to weight loss, it is the key to weight lose! While this maybe an exciting and frustrating time we should take in mind a few tips as to why you aren't shredding those extra pounds. 

Here are the Top reasons your body will reject, neglect or not help your situation and you should take these factors in mind. 

JUNK FOOD. While Junk food may be delicious, juicy and just very delicious when taken out of your current diet is causes your body ( if you go cold turkey) to feel withdraw symptoms. Yes, its surprising how much chocolate, chips and candy can have an effect on your system, but its pretty big. Like a recovering addict going cold turkey, your body will crave the sugar like crazy. You should consider eating your meals with something filling and with natural sugar. I changed my chips eating to dried fruit. One of my favorites is the dried bananas and the dates, and if you crave something sweet and spicy i recommend the spicy dried mangos. These alternatives will have you feeling light and filled - with your sweet tooth satisfied. 
STRONG vs. WEAK TASTE BUDS. They are stronger (yes some people have strong sense of taste) these people only need a bit of what a heavier person might need to get the flavor blast that they crave while eating. In other studies scientist put strips of flavors such as spicy, sweet and sour. They tested them on heavier children and on average weight children, they all had to judge base on a scale on 1 being the low taste and 20 the highest taste. The average weight children ranked higher in stronger taste buds than the heavier ones. The total averages where 12.5 for the heavier kids and 14 for the lighter kids. 
BRAIN FLAW. Your brain sometimes may have a flaw in it that makes it just want sugar even if you already had a whole candy bar! An experiment was done with servile groups and scientist studied the brains of multiple people. They were given junk food and these are the results. When in the normal brain the hunger part of the brain turned off the patients who were obese, their brains were still lit up. While the study doesn't say wether the two types brains are different nor does it say if you have a "fat" brain you'll always be. It is simply stating to be healthy because you never know if your brain is one of the ones that never turns off when you are full.

Keep the following things in mind, always stay hydrated - another key thing if you want to lose weight. Second stay off diet pills, we are young teenagers do not bombard your body with "Natural Chemicals" just take your vitamins. Maintain determination, and discipline. Don't get discouraged! Finally find many ways to stay active its all about burning more than what you consume. Always eat your veggies and your proteins, also don't forget some dark chocolate and fruit! 

For more pointers on staying fit contact a nutritionist or personal trainer near you.

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