Monday, March 18, 2013 is Ask.fight'm is a website for questions. users are able to make accounts and have people ask them questions anonymously.

In many cases,  altercations have occurred because of this website. For one, it is not safe because it gives any person access to retrieve personal information from someone through their account.
For some teens, it can be a way to play and joke with friends. can also be a place of expression and connection for people with a voice that are scared to connect with others. Yet, many teens are using this website to stir up feuds. The fact that one has the option to be anonymous, is the biggest issue with the site. People can use the site claiming to be other people and cause a whole wake of destruction among the high school and teenage world.

Personally, I have experienced and heard of many people hiding behind the anonymous check box that the site allows you to use. Being that we are young, we tend to feed into the drama and heightened  online nonsense. A wise choice would be not to indulge in the ignorant questions that can be asked, this only creates altercations  and makes problems worse.

My review of this site:

What Kind Of Site: Its a cyberbully site

Pros: There are no pros, its where people go to start drama and fights.

Cons: People are being bullied all over the world in peer settings. Many people have lost their lives due to bullying and its just not cool. Now that the internet and social networks are so popular, people have found a new way to bully people. It does not matter if you are a bully in person or a cyber bully, you still can affect the lives of people. People can become so fed up with bullying that they even kill themselves or the bullies. STOP THE VIOLENCE. Within the urban community, everyone wants to be tough so it's not considered bullying - but then we have to prove our point and that is why we are constantly killing each other. #Don'tKillMyChance

Summary: There are a lot of complaints, fights, issues, bullying and more that goes on on If I were you, I wouldn't even participate!

When in doubt, leave the drama O U T .

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