Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Social Networking Downfalls

Looking at the video posted from the social networking site of Youtube, we see a group of Dunbar High School girls brutally fighting each other in the middle of the street. These girls could be hurt like we seen back in 2009 when Derrion Albert lost his life at Fenger High School on Youtube.

If you don't stand for something, You fall for anything. A hard lesson learned can be helpful later on.

Today, high school students are caught up in what people say on social networks like Facebook , Twitter and Instagram. Various social networking sites state within their guidelines that profiles, posts and even pictures that belong to you, can be used for target advertising sent to your email, marketing, legal purposes and more. How can we teach people to conduct themselves in a postive light while using social networking? We should put out information to inform users that these companies are making money off THEIR personal post. The Dime Child Foundation’s, #TeenMedia program makes social networking, computer literacy, and learning social responsibility fun. Social responsibility is the obligation of an individuals management towards the welfare and interests of the society in which they operate.  Guest frequently visit the #TeenMedia program and we are allowed to follow-up with them and also add them to our social networks. To network with professionals we must make sure that our social networks are clean, meaning, no profanity, inappropriate pictures or other things that may allow employers, mentors or our community to view us negatively. Social networks can be used for networking purposes, even when you don't know the professional or live near the area they do.
When I was in elementary school, a lot of my peers liked fighting and getting into trouble. Today some of them are in jail, dead, or pregnant. Some teens fight and use the video footage for fame on social networks such as Youtube. Broadcasting crimes such as many on Youtube can lead to jail time.  I even had a fight once and it started over Facebook; the girl and I were calling each other names and saying what we would do to each other once we saw each other. I made a bad decision by going back and forth with my peer over social networking. I was lucky because no weapons were involved or worse. We see a lot of fights on Youtube, and on facebook, we watch them and we laugh but we don't realize it's only for attention and negative attention at that. Others may feel differently and if you do, I would love to hear your opinion so please leave a comment below. Yet the fact remains, Social networks are used for reconnecting with old friends, networking with potential employers,  and others who are not easy access-able. Social networking allows you to view advertisements, games, and other positive things that may help you in your life. Not all highschool students are on social networks are participating in negative things; some of us are working towards our dreams by getting involved in programs that help push us. Programs like Dime Child prepare students for a career or college lifestyle within many different industries and introducing us to new technologies by allowing us to broaden our horizons throughout our community.

Lets hear your thoughts, please comment below.

1 comment:

  1. Wow this article was very inciteful, I always believed that social media had no downfalls. In the rise of violence in the city of chicago it is imperative that we adhere to the cries of our youth as they vocalize their violent acts to main stream media. It is our job to read this article and walk away knowing this, that the youth of chicago need our help and assurance. They are our deepest fear, but our strongest allies.
