Monday, March 18, 2013

David Bowie, An Artist to Remember.

          David Bowie to this day has been one of the most influential pop, and new wave artist. His music has been famous and covered my many artist including Nirvana. He has been named as a major influence to people such as Trent Rezonr of Nine Inch Nails.
Bowie aside from having killer vocals also plays many instruments such as guitar, keyboards, harmonica, saxophone, viola, cello, percussion and the koto.
Bowie has been described as an artistic Chameleon . He moves with the trends but still comes out as unique. Think of him as someones that tried everything music wise. His fan base is for the most part adults now but if younger listeners would take interest they would realize that his music influenced many of the things today. His song "Changes" form the album Honky Dorky has been over done, not many know he is the one who wrote it. 25 and counting Albums produced. He must have many influences many being his "alter ego" Ziggy Stardust. Ziggy is a sort of  show he preforms as he also released many songs with "The Spiders from Mars".
Aside from being an artist be was also an actor he was in two of my favorite movies such as the musical  with puppets called Labyrinth and The Hunger which is one of the best Vampire Movie in the 80s. Hes also been in many documentary's. David Bowie is someone many would want to be discovered by him. In my opinion if i had him as a mentor i think id go far he has been one of the "weirdos" in the music industry but has maintained a happy and healthy life not like many of the other rock stars he must have a secret. David Bowie is overall one of the most interesting non mainstream artist that has changed a lot in the industry. Make sure to catch his new album in 2013 "The Next Day".

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