Monday, April 1, 2013

April Fools Fun

The Funky April Fools.

Have you ever wondered what the origins of April Fools was, and why we like to play pranks or know nothing at all about it. April 1 is a day that we dedicate or "celebrate" making other people look dumb or playing big pranks on them. Personally i like to play a few "health pranks" on my parents. The key is to know not to take a joke too far or to take the hard way. 

The United States isnt the only state that observes this day in France, Italy and Belgium children put a fish drawing on an unsuspecting person and say "Piosson d'Avril" which means April Fish. It is something humorous and fun. 

Pranks played on this day are:

*WARNING: if you know someone has a heart or mental condition do not play any prank on them you do not want to do something that you will regret.
  • Whoopee cushions, when someone sits down you unsuspectingly place a cushion that will make a farting sound. 

  • Telling lies such as someone fainted or that they are hurt.

  • Showing someone a false document.

  • Go into your victim's closet and steal one of each of their shoes. Hide them and then laugh while they frantically try to find a match.

  • Take a box of cereal, crackers, etc., and cut out the entire bottom. Set the box on the cupboard shelf and then dump the cereal or crackers straight into the top of the box (if the contents of the box came in a plastic bag, discard the bag). Close the top. Then, when your victim goes to grab the box, the contents will fall straight out onto the floor.
If you would like to be truly evil and mess with their minds you can give your victim something special in their laptops.
The Blue Death Desktop Screen Saver

You can save this file and just set it as a desktop when your victim sees it you'll sure get a rattle out of them.

> A final word would be, to not take a joke to hard remember if you are going to prank be prepared for someones revenge. Always think of the "Cons" and have fun!

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